Our celebration had been delayed. As we sat down at the restaurant, we realized that neither of us had brought our wallets. My husband ran quickly home to retrieve some cash while I entertained the kids and ordered our meals. Somehow my 9 year old son was the only one with cash in his pockets, just enough to keep his sister and himself occupied at the video machines while we waited.
This odd turn of events gave me time to reflect on the odd journey we had traveled. Almost a year to the day that my husband’s airline announced it would cease all operations, we had reason to celebrate. On January 25, 2008, Skyway Airlines, flying as Midwest Connect, told its employees and the community by TV news that all 400 regional employees would be cut. In a cost cutting measure meant to save the company, an out-of-state airline with non union employees and fancy new equipment would be brought in to fly the routes.
Job loss is everywhere these days. Doubtless, your life has been touched by the economic crises in one way or another and the odds are that you know someone faced with similar “cutbacks”, “layoffs”, or “cost saving measures”. Call it what you like, it stings all the same.
In March, sweet relief came in the form of a job offer from JetBlue Airlines. Sean was offered a class date in May. Our relief was short lived. Gas prices soared, aviation was hit hard, and all new hire training classes were cancelled.
Many of you prayed for us: prayed for a new job, for hope, for a marriage strong enough to overcome a rough patch. As the airline industry continued on its freefall, with new layoffs being announced each day, the options for flying dwindled. Your continued prayers of encouragement lifted us up and kept us going. Thank you.
Sitting in the restaurant last night I had time to reflect on the trials and opportunities of the last year. I’ve heard it said that when God closes one door he opens another and Hell is in the hallway. We’ve spent plenty of time in the hallway, yet the doors He opened are filled with joy and promise.
As our bottom line sagged, our faith was bolstered. When all the flying jobs disappeared, we learned we had skills that would lead to new careers. After being abandoned by a company we had been loyal to for 8 years, we discovered who our true friends are. We many not see them as often, but we found we can ‘poke” them on Facebook.
As I waited alone at the restaurant table last night, the Garth Brooks song, “Unanswered Prayers” played on the jukebox. I smiled to think of my high school sweetheart and my prayers that had gone (thankfully) unanswered. Looking back with 20+ years perspective it’s easy to see that God knows what he is doing and leaves many prayers unanswered for a reason. I’m grateful for that. Perhaps in time, I will come to appreciate His timing for this season in my life.
Yesterday, JetBlue called. Sean starts 3 weeks of training in Orlando on February 18th. He’ll be flying an Embraer 190. We don’t know much more than that. We thank God for answering our prayers. Thank you for praying alongside us.
“Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see.” (Hebrews 11:1).
I offer my story as one of hope. The news reported that over 14,000 people lost their jobs yesterday. The headlines are grim and the days ahead seem dark. Have faith. Keep praying: for yourself, for others, for people you’ve never met. The airlines industry was one of the first to falter. Now, a few companies are beginning to recall their pilots. Like seeing a robin at the feeder on a cold Midwestern day, we need to be alert and celebrate a sign of better times ahead.
Sean returned with his wallet just as our food was delivered. His timing … just perfect.